Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hong Kong People

There were so very many street scenes to record in Hong Kong-but it is also a city of fashion and fashionable people, too. Here are some quickies....


SeƱor R said...

very great sketch i´m a incondicional fan of the way you draw and sketch :)

Lynne the Pencil said...

These are great, really alive. I particularly like them when you draw them in context, like the top one.

memi said...

Gracias, Senor R, por sus comentarios.
Lo mismo para ti...

Thanks for checking in again, Lynne.
people are always fun to draw...

Ira R said...

Aside from these treasures...did you also indulge in shopping? Seems it would be difficult to resist. Unless there was really nothing unique to cash out on.

memi said...

Ira, I was relegated to scarves-
thought the fashions were varied, the sizes were not-
most popular=size 0!

erinaceous illustration said...

tres chic mademoiselle! the fashion-people must have been so fun to draw...

Ira R said...

these are growing on me more and more. Question, what pen do you use. Is it ok to ask? I imagine its 2 sided nib kind of thing.

memi said...

HI Ira-
Of course it is ok to ask...
For these I used a brush pen-I actually bought them in Hong Kong- some have a felt tip, others something harder that i cannot identify-
but they are great and I wish that I had bought more- not that you cannot find them here and there- but not at the cheapie price that i bought them at!

Dagny Silins said...

..OH, YES. Count me as a fan.